Frequently Asked Questions

Manchester Pubs Matter Festival

How do I join the virtual pub sessions?

The virtual pub sessions will be held online using the Zoom platform.

All ticket buyers will be sent the login details in the week before the event to the e-mail address provided at time of order.

You can join the virtual pub sessions from a computer, tablet or phone. For joining via a computer, you do NOT need to have the Zoom application installed – you can join using most popular web browsers. To join from a tablet or smart phone you will need to install the free Zoom application which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

For more information on what you’ll need to join the events, we’ve put together a separate page about Zoom. Click here for details.

What will happen on the Zoom events?

Each pub will be shaping their event differently. If you’ve visited these pubs, you’ll be right at home. But how much or how little you interact is up to you.  You don’t even need to show your face.

For more info on what each pub has planned, visit the page we’ve set up for each pub.

Do I need to have a Zoom account?

No. You do not need to have an account with Zoom.

Do I need a webcam to join in?

No. The virtual pub sessions will be held on the Zoom platform. Zoom sessions can be joined audio only from a computer, phone or tablet (you will still be able to see other participants). You can even dial in by telephone using a standard rate phone line.

Do I have to join the Zoom event?

No, it’s entirely up to you whether you join the virtual pub events. You can just choose to enjoy the beers or ciders on your own.

Do I have to drink all the beers on the night?

No – of course not. Where pubs are hosting tasting sessions, the sessions will taste between four and six beers / ciders. The rest of the beers / ciders are yours to enjoy at your leisure.

Can I buy tickets to more than one session?

Yes, you can buy tickets for as many of the sessions as you like. Just follow the link on the Event page to the website of each pub or their chosen partner.

What beers / ciders will be included?

At the time of writing, the exact contents of each pub’s pack have not been confirmed. Each pack is being carefully selected by the pub to give a selection of styles and to provide great value for money.

As each pub confirms their selection, the list will be added to the page for each pub.

Can I order more beers / ciders?

Yes, when you order your tickets for each session (and accompanying box) you can then choose to continue shopping with the chosen retailer. Additional purchases may increase your order value to qualify for free courier delivery.

Who takes my money?

Your purchase will be made direct with the pub or their chosen partner and will help to support the pub and their partners.

  • The Font – ciders supplied by Cat In The Glass
  • The Marble Arch – beers supplied by Marble Brewery
  • The Petersgate Tap – beers supplied by Thirst Class Ales
  • The Smithfield Tavern – beers supplied by Blackjack Brewery
  • Wigan Central – beers supplied via Hophurst Brewery

No money will go to MBCF or CAMRA. The event is about supporting pubs in these toughest of times.

Is delivery included in the cost?

All our partners offer free local delivery but each have their own definitions of which areas qualify. For courier delivery outside of their local areas, each have their own minimum order value to qualify for free delivery. As courier deliveries typically cost breweries between £6 and £9 to make, we are not asking them to vary their normal rates.

Is a glass included?

No. Unfortunately a glass is not included in the packs (with the exception of The Smithfield Sessions which includes a Blackjack Beers goblet).

Will my beer/cider arrive on time?

All the suppliers are experienced in dispatching beer/cider. Sales for each event will have a cut off date for orders giving time for them to be packed and shipped to arrive in time. You can help by placing your orders early.

My beer / cider hasn’t arrived?
My beer / cider was damaged on delivery?

Please contact the brewery or retailer you ordered from.